From Fins to Limbs to Leaves : Facilitating anatomy ontology interoperability

at the International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2011)

27 July 2011, Buffalo, USA

Submission deadline: 10 April 2011
Submission of short, longer or position papers and abstracts invited


Biological research has been revolutionized by the explosion of genetic information available, and anatomy ontologies have been crucial in relating this knowledge to observables as diverse as disease, gene expression, or evolutionary change. Within a single species, they provide scaffolding for bringing together many kinds of observations; across species, they provide evolutionary, developmental, and mechanistic insights. In order for anatomy ontologies to successfully serve all of these purposes, the ontologies must be constructed consistently so that both researchers and software can understand and use them.

This full-day workshop aims to bring together consumers and developers of anatomy ontologies with the aim of forging community partnership. The first section of the workshop will consist of a survey of current anatomy ontologies in different organisms and taxonomic groupings. These presentations will highlight the most effective design patterns for constructing anatomy ontologies; the varying use cases for each; the role of shared resources such as reference ontologies and common relations; and the techniques employed to effectively handle integration across species and scale. The second half of the workshop will consist of interactive panel sessions to identify outstanding cross-community needs with the aim of spurring projects to address these.

Contributions on integration solutions for biomedical ontologies and their applications are invited. Submissions of paper presentations should be conducive to discussions and exchanges. Short papers, position papers as well as longer papers (see submission instructions for maximum length) on the following non-exhaustive list of topics are invited.

Topics (indicative)


The submission process for the workshop follows ICBO conference guidelines. Indications and instructions are summarised and adapted below.

Important dates
